This is a small representation, still in draft of something that I will be working on in my free time. You all know how much free time this "slave-to-his-own-hippocampus" has ;-)
Anyways, first of all my approach is exploratory. It is even adventurous research approach since it has research intent to define the roadmap for the next generation. I have taken and done a lot of research on what I read about (Kondratieff) and am spending a lot of time on what I am proposing (Startup and Civilizational).
What I am proposing:
Anyways, first of all my approach is exploratory. It is even adventurous research approach since it has research intent to define the roadmap for the next generation. I have taken and done a lot of research on what I read about (Kondratieff) and am spending a lot of time on what I am proposing (Startup and Civilizational).
What I am proposing:
- Startup/Re-startup Cycles - 30 years: These are software companies that have emerged and if they have been around for 30 years then they have a fair chance to take a shot at their re-birth. Call it deconstruction, re-structuring or even the latest fad "transformation". Bottom line is if they are able to adopt a suitable "surf-to-shore" strategy, they can ride on this multi-mapped wave to the next successful level, which I have often called in other articles as "cylindrical verticalization". Simply said: The next stage. More detailed explanations will follow in later articles.
- Civilizational Prosperity Cycles - 300 years: This is one of those typical tidal cycles that don't happen that often but they do govern the life and death of successful companies and nationsin an event of a natural market/economic slowdown or purely "prosperity shift". My hypothesis comes from my observations of typical 300 (more or less) years cycles that I studied about India. There is a lot to learn from civilizations like India, especially U.S since its nearly 300 years cycles are up, meaning, it can take on that slope if it effectively collaborates and learns from India. U.S is making a lot more headway with India than we may have seen from European nations in the 15 - 18th century. So U.S has a great opportunity to take on the proverbial plank and go with the "surf-to-shore" strategy and get on to the next level. More detailed explanations on this cycle will come later.
- Kondratieff cycles - 50 years: This you have heard from me several times and all the credit goes to Kondratieff but it is very inspirational to me in many ways. It certainly is one of the primary layes to that multi-mapped wave as we approach the death of traditional IT and move on to "conceptual/ideation age". We have bigger and complex puzzles to solve. What we today identify or even diagnose as a disorder in our children is in fact the foundation of what will help them raise to that challenge of emerging and acting as true conceptual leaders.
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