Sure there are a lot of exciting things happening. Sure there is lots of stuff coming free. But look at this. You have to really be nuts to not having done this.
Administrators at Canada's largest media company, Quebecor Inc., can zip entire servers across the country in an hour.
Imagine the wonders it can do...
- Time to deploy
- Time to market
- Time for a prolonged coffee break!
Changing legacy-minded minds
When he first tried to pitch the idea of a virtual data center, Happychuk also had to deal with longstanding, field-hardened executives who wanted nothing to do with servers they could not physically touch. "Another argument was that they did not want all the eggs in one basket in a central location. People wanted to know what would happen if the host system failed," he said.
Tell me about it. Like an excited client told me that it was sophisticated. Hey, don't we need sophistication in this fast world? We need automation so we can move on to other unattended creative things. Anyways I will be starting a campaign to start talking about virtualization as a technology that we need. NOT because I think its cool but because its gonna make your life easier!
Anyways in another story:
This firm has saved $1 Million since last year. Read more here.
"When I came on board, H&R Block had heard about virtualization and was looking to do server consolidation because like a lot of companies, they had big server sprawl. About six years ago they only had 80 servers; now they’re up to 600 or 700 servers, so they were adding a hundred servers every year," Rosenkoetter said. With servers dedicated to single applications, many of the machines were underutilized, he said.
Try to identify yourself in this situation. you could be a SMB firm but when there is a demand and you suddenly need to add on a couple of server per month, you can or choose to smarten up OR dish out loads of cash. Your choice!
And here talking about tools, I fear that a lot of firms will mushroom up and demand loads of cash and probably hold customers at ransom. Good thing for VMware to watch and make solid and robust tools!
Cassatt's core software, Collage, has a starting price of $100,000 to control 40 servers, or about $2,500 each, said Jay Fry, the company's vice president of marketing. The XVM module costs an additional $1,250 per server.
Ok so this might sound VERY pricey but imagine if you have a consolidated scenario then we are looking at some 1000 (25 servers per box) odd services that you are servicing to your millions of customers!
Here a couple of pros and cons of Apple's bootcamp.
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