Because I say so...OK kidding. Lets just get some straight facts and see what they both have in common. Forget all the biased and unbiased opinions, both of these companies
- rock!
- have a solid engineering base
- are sound
- are young (at heart and age)
- are mean and lean
- have (and will continue to have) ideas that could blow off all the punditry and make the *analysts* again try to figure out yet another way to blow the competition away!
- are in need to set up a good face against Microsoft, I mean if MS doesn't like then it'll try to eat them alive.
- are moving rapidly towards the datacenter/utility computing model and since their approach is fresh and new , they can set up a whole new standard for ways where new startups can just get on to doing business, cutting lose from the cultural boundaries which limit us from doing what we so badly should be doing (listen to what I have to say about , set yourself free/Floating identities)
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