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Virtualization: Where are the Operating Systems heading?

Actually nowhere they are just going to be used to service the applications that have so long suffered because of all the unneccesary intervention of all kinds of people and services. Be it migration, patching , testing etc. Everytime someone poked his finger into an OS something happened! And it was never always good. Bad things have happened (I can almost see you left eye twitch).

In the maritime profession there are some 30+ RoR (Rules of the Road). At least back in the 90s they had some 38, that may have cahnged since then. All the regulations that will protect your vessel and bring it home but they also warn you two things. Human Intervention and Common Sense. Funny thing is Human Intevention has in many occasions caused problems but in the same time Human Intervention coupled with Common Sense has also saved the day.

The same logic applies to the OS (and yes also to the applications), by isolating and making the OS irrelevant you achieve:
  • Flexibility
  • Mobility
  • Portability
  • High Availability
  • and lots of other (good) "-ilities"
We are living in a very fast world. And no matter how Microsoft denies the Vista prediction about Gartner..

Last fall, Gartner Research dramatically predicted that Vista would be the last version of Microsoft Windows. Yes, these are the same people who reported that Apple's iTunes sales were plummeting, only to recant a few days later. And yes, Steve Ballmer has flatly denied Gartner's claim about Vista.

Still, there's reason to take Gartner's underlying point seriously: With Microsoft now running five years between major releases, Gartner is probably right that the current Windows architecture is unsustainably complex. The future of Windows, Gartner believes, is a modularized operating system sold at least in part through a subscription model and enabled by virtualization at the core.

Microsoft says Gartner has it wrong, but the company is clearly embracing all the elements of Gartner's vision: virtualization, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), and even hints of modularization in the structure of Vista.

the fact that everything else is screamingly rushing towards a secure untouched data center. And SaaS and Virtualization are just the beginning. In a very short time you'd be surprised if your employer will just hand you a USB stick and a dumb terminal! Welcome back to the 60's :-)

Anyways check out the article


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